 compare-matrices  -v 1 -mode matches -format1 transfac -file1 12/regulon12.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/peaks_motifs_discovered.tf -format2 transfac -file2 $RSAT/_footprintDB/footprintDB.transfac.plants.motif.tf -mode matches -DR -uth offset_rank 1 -lth w 5 -lth Wr 0.3 -lth cor 0.75 -lth Ncor 0.4 -return matrix_name,matrix_id,cor,Ncor,logoDP,NIcor,NsEucl,SSD,NSW,match_rank,width,strand,offset,consensus,alignments_1ton -sort Ncor -o 12/regulon12.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB.tab
 Program version       	1.118
 Slow mode 
 Input files
	file2 	$RSAT/_footprintDB/footprintDB.transfac.plants.motif.tf
	file1 	12/regulon12.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/peaks_motifs_discovered.tf
 Output files
	alignments_1ton	12/regulon12.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB_alignments_1ton.tab
	match_table_txt	12/regulon12.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB.tab
	html_index   	12/regulon12.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB_index.html
	alignments_1ton_html	12/regulon12.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB_alignments_1ton.html
	match_table_html	12/regulon12.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB.html
	prefix       	12/regulon12.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB
	file1	9 matrices	12/regulon12.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/peaks_motifs_discovered.tf
		file1	1	10	66	dmAACATwtw
		file1	2	10	10	yaCGTACGtr
		file1	3	9	81	waAAATAww
		file1	4	10	22	taATTAATta
		file1	5	10	22	wrATACAArt
		file1	6	26	26	hyCGTtkmdatwmawcwrmwaATAyd
		file1	7	24	19	wmCATkTtyywwmAWmAhTTATtw
		file1	8	28	5	CCytTwwTctawAAAAaAmwATgTyAkT
		file1	9	28	30	wmaTTwatcwrwaAmaAwrwATGwtcmw
	file2	1055 matrices	$RSAT/_footprintDB/footprintDB.transfac.plants.motif.tf
		file2		1		16		5		TCATTCCACGTAGATr
		file2		2		8		5		awmAGTTr
		file2		3		8		3		rkTAGTTr
		file2		4		8		5		wamaGTTr
		file2		5		8		1		GTTAGTTA
		file2		6		8		2		kwCwGTTr
		file2		7		8		2		GTTAGTTr
		file2		8		8		6		wwmaGTTr
		file2		9		8		2		rsTkGTTr
		file2		10		8		8		RkTwGKTr
		file2		11		8		1		TACTGTTG
		...	1045 more matrices
 Column content
	1	id1          	Identifier of the first matrix
	2	id2          	Identifier of the second matrix
	3	name1        	Name of the first matrix
	4	name2        	Name of the second matrix
	5	cor          	Pearson coefficient of correlation between frequency matrices
	6	Ncor         	Normalized correlation. Ncor = cor * Wr
	7	logoDP       	Dot product between the logo matrices.
	8	NIcor        	Normalized Pearson correlation between the information content matrices. NIcor = Icor * Wr
	9	NSW          	Normalized Sandelin-Wasserman similarity. NSW = SW/w
	10	SSD          	sum of squared distance.
	11	NsEucl       	relative Euclidian similarity. NsEucl = (max(dEucl) - dEucl)/max(dEucl)
	12	w1           	Width of the first matrix
	13	w2           	Width of the second matrix
	14	w            	Alignment length (number of overlapping columns between matrix 1 and matrix 2, as a function of the offset)
	15	W            	Total alignment length (overlapping + non-overlapping columns). W = w1 + w2 - w
	16	Wr           	Relative alignment length (overlap divided by the total alignemnt length). Wr = w/W
	17	wr1          	Alignment length relative to the width of the first matrix. wr1 = w/w1
	18	wr2          	Alignment length relative to the width of the second matrix. wr2 = w/w2
	19	strand       	"strand", i.e. orientation of matrix 2 relative to matrix 1 (D=direct;  R=reverse)
	20	offset       	shift of the second matrix relative to the first matrix (negative:left; positive: right)
	21	consensus1   	IUPAC consensus of matrix 1 (dots represent non-aligned columns)
	22	consensus2   	IUPAC consensus of matrix 2 (dots represent non-aligned columns)
	23	rcor         	Matching rank for cor
	24	rNcor        	Matching rank for Ncor
	25	rlogoDP      	Matching rank for logoDP
	26	rNIcor       	Matching rank for NIcor
	27	rNsEucl      	Matching rank for NsEucl
	28	rSSD         	Matching rank for SSD
	29	rNSW         	Matching rank for NSW
	30	rank_mean    	Mean of the matching ranks on all selected metrics
	31	match_rank   	Rank of the match (sorting by rank_mean)
id1 id2 name1 name2 cor Ncor logoDP NIcor NSW SSD NsEucl w1 w2 w W Wr wr1 wr2 strand offset consensus1 consensus2 rcor rNcor rlogoDP rNIcor rNsEucl rSSD rNSW rank_mean match_rank
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL7_MA1060.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL7_MA1060.1_JASPAR 0.875 0.700 6.163 0.745 0.929 1.1397 0.90564 10 8 8 10 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 D 2 ..CGTACGtr CGTACGrc 10 14 20 10 15 14 11 13.4286 1
oligos_5-7nt_m4 ANL2_M0850_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m4 ANL2_M0850_1.02_CISBP 0.910 0.828 4.881 0.284 0.958 0.8418 0.93512 10 11 10 11 0.9091 1.0000 0.9091 R 0 taATTAATta KCATTWATTA. 7 1 35 59 2 9 4 16.7143 2
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL7_SPL7_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL7_SPL7_ArabidopsisPBM 0.844 0.690 6.216 0.749 0.922 1.4114 0.90666 10 10 9 11 0.8182 0.9000 0.9000 D 1 .aCGTACGtr cCGTACGrc. 17 20 18 9 13 27 15 17.0000 3
oligos_5-7nt_m3 Medtr8g106590.1_M0145_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m3 Medtr8g106590.1_M0145_1.02_CISBP 0.837 0.744 5.252 0.707 0.925 1.2066 0.90291 9 8 8 9 0.8889 0.8889 1.0000 D 1 .aAAATAww AAAWTAAT 21 10 30 14 18 19 13 17.8571 4
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL11_M1562_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL11_M1562_1.02_CISBP 0.832 0.694 9.461 0.709 0.919 1.6120 0.91022 10 12 10 12 0.8333 1.0000 0.8333 D -1 yaCGTACGtr .aycGTACGGw. 24 17 3 12 8 44 18 18.0000 5
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL11_MA1056.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL11_MA1056.1_JASPAR 0.832 0.694 9.446 0.709 0.919 1.6142 0.91016 10 12 10 12 0.8333 1.0000 0.8333 R -1 yaCGTACGtr .WCCGTACGRT. 25 18 4 13 9 45 19 19.0000 6
oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL25_AHL25_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL25_AHL25_ArabidopsisPBM 0.820 0.820 5.037 0.788 0.920 1.5964 0.91066 10 10 10 10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 taATTAATta dAwTTAAwTw 36 2 33 5 5 42 16 19.8571 7
oligos_5-7nt_m1 EDF3_M0080_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m1 EDF3_M0080_1.02_CISBP 0.855 0.684 2.494 0.664 0.924 1.2124 0.90267 10 8 8 10 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 D 0 dmAACATw.. rcaaCAkw 14 22 54 17 19 20 14 22.8571 8
oligos_5-7nt_m2 ABI5_M01995_TRANSFAC oligos_5-7nt_m2 ABI5_M01995_TRANSFAC 0.943 0.429 6.114 0.413 0.960 0.4000 0.91056 10 6 5 11 0.4545 0.5000 0.8333 D 5 .....ACGtr ACGTG. 2 76 23 53 6 2 3 23.5714 9
oligos_5-7nt_m1 EDF3_M0081_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m1 EDF3_M0081_1.02_CISBP 0.835 0.668 8.425 0.642 0.908 1.4688 0.89288 10 8 8 10 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 D 0 dmAACATw.. rCAACAkA 23 23 8 20 30 35 28 23.8571 10
oligos_5-7nt_m4 EDT1_M0842_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m4 EDT1_M0842_1.02_CISBP 0.803 0.803 5.246 0.800 0.913 1.7340 0.90689 10 10 10 10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 taATTAATta ymwTwAATGc 45 3 31 3 11 52 22 23.8571 11
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SMZ_MA0553.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m2 SMZ_MA0553.1_JASPAR 0.862 0.549 8.500 0.538 0.915 1.1914 0.88974 10 8 7 11 0.6364 0.7000 0.8750 D -1 yaCGTAC... .CTCGTAC 13 46 7 31 37 16 20 24.2857 12
oligos_5-7nt_m2 OCSBF-1_M00653_TRANSFAC oligos_5-7nt_m2 OCSBF-1_M00653_TRANSFAC 0.918 0.459 6.045 0.456 0.947 0.5347 0.89659 10 5 5 10 0.5000 0.5000 1.0000 D 0 yaCGT..... SACGT 5 66 24 43 23 4 7 24.5714 13
oligos_5-7nt_m4 EDT1_MA0990.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m4 EDT1_MA0990.1_JASPAR 0.802 0.802 5.272 0.798 0.913 1.7404 0.90672 10 10 10 10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 R 0 taATTAATta GCATTWAWKR 46 4 29 4 12 55 23 24.7143 14
oligos_5-7nt_m4 ATHB16_M0854_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m4 ATHB16_M0854_1.02_CISBP 0.882 0.441 6.581 0.437 0.934 0.7924 0.89509 10 8 6 12 0.5000 0.6000 0.7500 D 4 ....TAATta TAATmA.. 8 71 15 45 25 7 9 25.7143 15
oligos_5-7nt_m4 ATHB-15_MA1026.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m4 ATHB-15_MA1026.1_JASPAR 0.911 0.456 3.816 0.436 0.955 0.5435 0.91312 10 8 6 12 0.5000 0.6000 0.7500 D 4 ....TAATta tAATdA.. 6 68 46 47 4 5 5 25.8571 16
oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL20_AHL20_2_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL20_AHL20_2_ArabidopsisPBM 0.802 0.802 5.188 0.755 0.912 1.7562 0.90629 10 10 10 10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 taATTAATta hAATWAAwTa 47 5 32 7 14 56 24 26.4286 17
oligos_5-7nt_m4 ATHB-16_MA0951.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m4 ATHB-16_MA0951.1_JASPAR 0.880 0.440 6.558 0.436 0.933 0.8023 0.89444 10 8 6 12 0.5000 0.6000 0.7500 D 4 ....TAATta TAATmA.. 9 73 16 46 27 8 10 27.0000 18
oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL25_MA0934.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL25_MA0934.1_JASPAR 0.830 0.664 4.780 0.628 0.910 1.4342 0.89415 10 8 8 10 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 D 1 .aATTAATt. AwTTAAwT 27 24 36 21 28 31 26 27.5714 19
oligos_5-7nt_m3 CCA1_CCA1_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m3 CCA1_CCA1_ArabidopsisPBM 0.837 0.609 8.403 0.583 0.904 1.5286 0.89072 9 10 8 11 0.7273 0.8889 0.8000 D 1 .aAAATAww aAAATATC.. 22 34 9 26 34 38 32 27.8571 20
oligos_5-7nt_m4 HAHB-4_M00820_TRANSFAC oligos_5-7nt_m4 HAHB-4_M00820_TRANSFAC 0.920 0.425 4.673 0.318 0.951 0.5904 0.90945 10 9 6 13 0.4615 0.6000 0.6667 R -3 taATTA.... ...TYATTA 4 77 37 57 10 6 6 28.1429 21
oligos_5-7nt_m1 RAV1_M0077_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m1 RAV1_M0077_1.02_CISBP 0.842 0.562 2.507 0.542 0.920 1.2847 0.89982 10 10 8 12 0.6667 0.8000 0.8000 D -2 dmAACATw.. ..rcaaCAkw 18 40 53 30 22 24 17 29.1429 22
oligos_5-7nt_m1 CONS_ARATH_CONS2_EEADannot oligos_5-7nt_m1 CONS_ARATH_CONS2_EEADannot 0.973 0.417 1.942 0.067 0.989 0.1270 0.95801 10 10 6 14 0.4286 0.6000 0.6000 R 4 ....CATwtw CATNNN.... 1 78 61 63 1 1 1 29.4286 23
oligos_5-7nt_m3 RVE1_RVE1_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m3 RVE1_RVE1_ArabidopsisPBM 0.829 0.603 7.548 0.573 0.903 1.5450 0.89014 9 10 8 11 0.7273 0.8889 0.8000 D 1 .aAAATAww wAAATATC.. 31 35 12 27 35 39 34 30.4286 24
oligos_5-7nt_m1 TEM1_M0008_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m1 TEM1_M0008_1.02_CISBP 0.873 0.699 0.154 -0.187 0.936 1.0258 0.91048 10 8 8 10 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 R 0 dmAACATw.. GCAACATW 11 16 81 80 7 10 8 30.4286 25
oligos_5-7nt_m3 TRANSCRIPTION_INITIATION_FACTOR_TFIID-1_1qnc_B_3D-footprint oligos_5-7nt_m3 TRANSCRIPTION_INITIATION_FACTOR_TFIID-1_1qnc_B_3D-footprint 0.938 0.511 0.254 -0.031 0.965 0.4228 0.92337 9 8 6 11 0.5455 0.6667 0.7500 R 3 ...AATAww AATAAA.. 3 58 77 69 3 3 2 30.7143 26
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL4_M1563_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL4_M1563_1.02_CISBP 0.844 0.614 4.145 0.607 0.903 1.5452 0.89013 10 9 8 11 0.7273 0.8000 0.8889 D 2 ..CGTACGtr cgTACgrh. 16 32 40 22 36 40 36 31.7143 27
oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL12_AHL12_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL12_AHL12_ArabidopsisPBM 0.785 0.785 4.124 0.754 0.907 1.8687 0.90334 10 10 10 10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 taATTAATta wAAwwwwTTw 61 8 41 8 17 63 31 32.7143 28
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL4_MA1058.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL4_MA1058.1_JASPAR 0.842 0.612 4.091 0.605 0.902 1.5657 0.88940 10 9 8 11 0.7273 0.8000 0.8889 D 2 ..CGTACGtr cgTACgrh. 19 33 43 23 38 41 37 33.4286 29
oligos_5-7nt_m1 TEM2_M0013_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m1 TEM2_M0013_1.02_CISBP 0.866 0.693 0.021 -0.177 0.928 1.1546 0.90503 10 8 8 10 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 R 0 dmAACATw.. GCAACATM 12 19 82 79 16 15 12 33.5714 30
oligos_5-7nt_m3 CCA1_MA0972.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m3 CCA1_MA0972.1_JASPAR 0.839 0.587 8.305 0.560 0.896 1.4572 0.87806 9 8 7 10 0.7000 0.7778 0.8750 D 2 ..AAATAww AAATATC. 20 36 11 29 59 33 52 34.2857 31
oligos_5-7nt_m2 ppa000682m_M1572_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 ppa000682m_M1572_1.02_CISBP 0.807 0.660 4.426 0.667 0.901 1.7874 0.89496 10 10 9 11 0.8182 0.9000 0.9000 D -1 yaCGTACGt. .sssGTACgg 42 25 38 15 26 59 41 35.1429 32
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL5_MA1059.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL5_MA1059.1_JASPAR 0.788 0.709 5.700 0.729 0.897 1.8603 0.89284 10 9 9 10 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 D 1 .aCGTACGtr ktGTACGgh 57 13 27 11 31 62 49 35.7143 33
oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL25_AHL25_3_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL25_AHL25_3_ArabidopsisPBM 0.772 0.772 4.262 0.760 0.901 1.9728 0.90068 10 10 10 10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 R 0 taATTAATta WAWTWWWWTW 71 9 39 6 20 68 38 35.8571 34
oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL20_AHL20_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL20_AHL20_ArabidopsisPBM 0.830 0.484 5.372 0.443 0.911 1.2455 0.88726 9 10 7 12 0.5833 0.7778 0.7000 D 2 ..AAATAww wAATATA... 28 62 28 44 42 23 25 36.0000 35
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL1_MA1055.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL1_MA1055.1_JASPAR 0.820 0.656 9.751 0.665 0.889 1.7783 0.88213 10 8 8 10 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 D 1 .aCGTACGt. CCGTACGG 37 26 1 16 53 58 62 36.1429 36
oligos_5-7nt_m2 POPTR_0002s00440g_MA0955.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m2 POPTR_0002s00440g_MA0955.1_JASPAR 0.824 0.577 5.789 0.572 0.895 1.4755 0.87730 10 7 7 10 0.7000 0.7000 1.0000 D 2 ..CGTACGt. sGTACGG 34 38 25 28 61 37 55 39.7143 37
oligos_5-7nt_m2 PK22320.1_M1560_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 PK22320.1_M1560_1.02_CISBP 0.782 0.640 6.798 0.654 0.894 1.9130 0.89133 10 10 9 11 0.8182 0.9000 0.9000 D 1 .aCGTACGtr ktGTACGGh. 64 28 14 18 33 66 58 40.1429 38
oligos_5-7nt_m2 anac025_M1400_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 anac025_M1400_1.02_CISBP 0.830 0.415 6.244 0.414 0.908 1.1042 0.87616 10 8 6 12 0.5000 0.6000 0.7500 D 4 ....TACGtr yACGyA.. 29 79 17 51 64 12 29 40.1429 39
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL12_M1566_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL12_M1566_1.02_CISBP 0.799 0.639 6.126 0.651 0.891 1.7368 0.88352 10 8 8 10 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 D 2 ..CGTACGtr wGTACGrh 49 29 22 19 50 53 60 40.2857 40
oligos_5-7nt_m2 NAC025_MA0935.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m2 NAC025_MA0935.1_JASPAR 0.829 0.415 6.197 0.413 0.908 1.1063 0.87604 10 8 6 12 0.5000 0.6000 0.7500 D 4 ....TACGtr yACGyA.. 30 80 19 52 65 13 30 41.2857 41
oligos_5-7nt_m2 AtSPL3_AtSPL3_Athamap oligos_5-7nt_m2 AtSPL3_AtSPL3_Athamap 0.785 0.491 8.694 0.521 0.901 1.9830 0.90042 10 16 10 16 0.6250 1.0000 0.6250 R -3 yaCGTACGtr ...RWWGTACGKH... 59 60 6 38 21 69 39 41.7143 42
oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL20_MA0933.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL20_MA0933.1_JASPAR 0.797 0.638 5.012 0.596 0.894 1.6985 0.88481 10 8 8 10 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 R 1 .aATTAATt. AWTTWATT 50 30 34 25 48 50 57 42.0000 43
oligos_5-7nt_m5 TRANSCRIPTION_INITIATION_FACTOR_TFIID-1_1qn9_B_3D-footprint oligos_5-7nt_m5 TRANSCRIPTION_INITIATION_FACTOR_TFIID-1_1qn9_B_3D-footprint 0.852 0.542 0.348 -0.124 0.913 1.2136 0.88872 10 8 7 11 0.6364 0.7000 0.8750 R 3 ...TACAArt TACAAAA. 15 50 74 76 40 21 21 42.4286 44
oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL25_AHL25_2_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL25_AHL25_2_ArabidopsisPBM 0.808 0.471 3.033 0.461 0.904 1.3455 0.88283 9 10 7 12 0.5833 0.7778 0.7000 D 2 ..AAATAww aAwwWWw... 41 63 51 42 51 25 33 43.7143 45
oligos_5-7nt_m3 RIN_M01809_TRANSFAC oligos_5-7nt_m3 RIN_M01809_TRANSFAC 0.786 0.571 5.769 0.529 0.895 1.6735 0.88566 9 10 8 11 0.7273 0.8889 0.8000 D -2 waAAATAw. ..AwAWATAG 58 39 26 35 47 49 53 43.8571 46
oligos_5-7nt_m2 PK06791.1_M1559_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 PK06791.1_M1559_1.02_CISBP 0.803 0.723 0.426 -0.103 0.903 1.7382 0.89642 10 9 9 10 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 R 0 yaCGTACGt. DCCGTACAR 44 11 73 74 24 54 35 45.0000 47
oligos_5-7nt_m3 HMGIY_M01800_TRANSFAC oligos_5-7nt_m3 HMGIY_M01800_TRANSFAC 0.831 0.554 2.379 0.082 0.900 1.2026 0.87076 9 6 6 9 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 R 1 .aAAATA.. AAAWWW 26 43 55 62 71 17 42 45.1429 48
oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL12_AHL12_2_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL12_AHL12_2_ArabidopsisPBM 0.807 0.538 3.935 0.530 0.897 1.6560 0.88626 10 10 8 12 0.6667 0.8000 0.8000 D -2 taATTAAT.. ..wAWWTwwT 43 52 45 33 46 48 50 45.2857 49
oligos_5-7nt_m4 WOX13_WOX13_2_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m4 WOX13_WOX13_2_ArabidopsisPBM 0.817 0.545 2.941 0.514 0.897 1.6478 0.88654 10 10 8 12 0.6667 0.8000 0.8000 D 2 ..ATTAATta tttAATTa.. 38 49 52 39 45 47 48 45.4286 50
oligos_5-7nt_m2 RITA-1_M00660_TRANSFAC oligos_5-7nt_m2 RITA-1_M00660_TRANSFAC 0.816 0.445 6.134 0.421 0.898 1.2210 0.86978 10 7 6 11 0.5455 0.6000 0.8571 D -1 yaCGTA.... .sACGTr 39 69 21 50 73 22 44 45.4286 51
oligos_5-7nt_m2 AT1G76580_M1564_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 AT1G76580_M1564_1.02_CISBP 0.791 0.791 1.532 0.812 0.874 2.5128 0.88791 10 10 10 10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 yaCGTACGtr dyygTAcrrh 53 6 65 1 41 79 73 45.4286 52
oligos_5-7nt_m2 fgenesh1_pg.scaffold_194000034_M1570_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 fgenesh1_pg.scaffold_194000034_M1570_1.02_CISBP 0.785 0.785 1.882 0.800 0.878 2.4492 0.88934 10 10 10 10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 yaCGTACGtr dyyGTACrrh 60 7 63 2 39 78 70 45.5714 53
oligos_5-7nt_m3 HMGA_M0118_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m3 HMGA_M0118_1.02_CISBP 0.826 0.413 2.280 0.410 0.910 1.0859 0.87719 9 9 6 12 0.5000 0.6667 0.6667 D -3 waAAAT... ...rwAAwt 33 81 56 54 63 11 27 46.4286 54
oligos_5-7nt_m4 YAB5_YAB5_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m4 YAB5_YAB5_ArabidopsisPBM 0.821 0.442 2.247 0.426 0.901 1.3883 0.88098 10 10 7 13 0.5385 0.7000 0.7000 D -3 taATTAA... ...TgAtTAh 35 70 57 49 54 26 40 47.2857 55
oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL12_MA0932.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m4 AHL12_MA0932.1_JASPAR 0.784 0.628 4.049 0.597 0.889 1.7782 0.88214 10 8 8 10 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 D 1 .aATTAATt. AAwwwwTT 62 31 44 24 52 57 61 47.2857 56
oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL20_AHL20_2_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL20_AHL20_2_ArabidopsisPBM 0.794 0.463 4.112 0.431 0.898 1.4299 0.87921 9 10 7 12 0.5833 0.7778 0.7000 D -3 waAAATA.. ...TWAAwTa 52 65 42 48 56 29 45 48.1429 57
oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL12_AHL12_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL12_AHL12_ArabidopsisPBM 0.761 0.553 3.390 0.529 0.898 1.6346 0.88699 9 10 8 11 0.7273 0.8889 0.8000 R 1 .aAAATAww WAAWWWWT.. 79 44 48 34 44 46 46 48.7143 58
oligos_5-7nt_m2 B9GPL8_POPTR_M1568_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 B9GPL8_POPTR_M1568_1.02_CISBP 0.827 0.579 0.838 -0.101 0.896 1.4550 0.87815 10 7 7 10 0.7000 0.7000 1.0000 R 1 .aCGTACG.. CCGTACS 32 37 70 73 58 32 51 50.4286 59
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL5_M1565_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL5_M1565_1.02_CISBP 0.790 0.711 0.344 -0.111 0.898 1.8414 0.89339 10 9 9 10 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 R 0 yaCGTACGt. DCCGTACAM 55 12 75 75 29 61 47 50.5714 60
oligos_5-7nt_m2 TOE2_TOE2_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m2 TOE2_TOE2_ArabidopsisPBM 0.788 0.525 7.287 0.498 0.879 1.9284 0.87726 10 10 8 12 0.6667 0.8000 0.8000 D -2 yaCGTACG.. ..CTCGTACt 56 55 13 41 62 67 68 51.7143 61
oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL20_MA0933.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL20_MA0933.1_JASPAR 0.790 0.431 3.774 0.405 0.899 1.2064 0.87056 9 8 6 11 0.5455 0.6667 0.7500 D -2 waAAAT... ..TWAAwT 54 75 47 55 72 18 43 52.0000 62
oligos_5-7nt_m3 KAN_M1340_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m3 KAN_M1340_1.02_CISBP 0.763 0.555 1.472 0.535 0.886 1.8186 0.88080 9 10 8 11 0.7273 0.8889 0.8000 D 1 .aAAATAww rrwaTAtw.. 76 42 66 32 55 60 63 56.2857 63
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL12_MA1057.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL12_MA1057.1_JASPAR 0.801 0.640 0.178 -0.213 0.892 1.7271 0.88384 10 8 8 10 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 R 0 yaCGTACG.. DCCGTACW 48 27 80 82 49 51 59 56.5714 64
oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL12_MA0932.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL12_MA0932.1_JASPAR 0.763 0.534 3.360 0.508 0.886 1.6015 0.87216 9 8 7 10 0.7000 0.7778 0.8750 D 2 ..AAATAww AAwwwwT. 77 53 49 40 70 43 64 56.5714 65
oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL25_AHL25_3_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m3 AHL25_AHL25_3_ArabidopsisPBM 0.784 0.457 1.896 0.253 0.895 1.4752 0.87731 9 10 7 12 0.5833 0.7778 0.7000 R 2 ..AAATAww WAWTWWW... 63 67 62 60 60 36 54 57.4286 66
oligos_5-7nt_m3 ATGRP2B_M0583_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m3 ATGRP2B_M0583_1.02_CISBP 0.808 0.441 1.980 0.046 0.882 1.4207 0.85953 9 8 6 11 0.5455 0.6667 0.7500 R 3 ...AATAww AAWAAA.. 40 72 59 64 76 28 66 57.8571 67
oligos_5-7nt_m4 NTL9_MA1046.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m4 NTL9_MA1046.1_JASPAR 0.753 0.548 8.928 0.526 0.837 2.6092 0.85722 10 9 8 11 0.7273 0.8000 0.8889 D -1 taATTAAT.. .TAAGTAAT 81 47 5 36 80 80 81 58.5714 68
oligos_5-7nt_m4 NTL9_M1403_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m4 NTL9_M1403_1.02_CISBP 0.752 0.547 9.568 0.525 0.832 2.6872 0.85511 10 9 8 11 0.7273 0.8000 0.8889 D -1 taATTAAT.. .TAAGTAAT 82 48 2 37 81 82 82 59.1429 69
oligos_5-7nt_m3 AGL27_MA1012.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m3 AGL27_MA1012.1_JASPAR 0.763 0.491 1.868 0.045 0.894 1.9009 0.89168 9 14 9 14 0.6429 1.0000 0.6429 R -2 waAAATAww ..MAAAATRGA... 75 61 64 65 32 65 56 59.7143 70
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL14_M1561_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL14_M1561_1.02_CISBP 0.777 0.699 0.223 -0.161 0.885 2.0634 0.88714 10 9 9 10 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 R 1 .aCGTACGtr CCGTACHHC 67 15 79 78 43 74 65 60.1429 71
oligos_5-7nt_m3 CCA1_M01819_TRANSFAC oligos_5-7nt_m3 CCA1_M01819_TRANSFAC 0.765 0.405 8.359 0.374 0.868 2.3723 0.87899 9 17 9 17 0.5294 1.0000 0.5294 D -4 waAAATAww ....rAAAAwATC.... 74 82 10 56 57 77 75 61.5714 72
oligos_5-7nt_m3 TRANSCRIPTION_INITIATION_FACTOR_TFIID-1_1qnb_B_3D-footprint oligos_5-7nt_m3 TRANSCRIPTION_INITIATION_FACTOR_TFIID-1_1qnb_B_3D-footprint 0.779 0.468 1.126 0.006 0.881 1.4301 0.85907 9 7 6 10 0.6000 0.6667 0.8571 R -1 waAAAT... .ATAAAT 66 64 68 67 77 30 67 62.7143 73
oligos_5-7nt_m3 HAT5_MA0008.1_JASPAR oligos_5-7nt_m3 HAT5_MA0008.1_JASPAR 0.795 0.434 1.082 0.020 0.878 1.4615 0.85753 9 8 6 11 0.5455 0.6667 0.7500 R 3 ...AATAww AATAAT.. 51 74 69 66 79 34 69 63.1429 74
oligos_5-7nt_m2 TOE1_TOE1_ArabidopsisPBM oligos_5-7nt_m2 TOE1_TOE1_ArabidopsisPBM 0.776 0.517 3.336 0.112 0.875 1.9982 0.87506 10 10 8 12 0.6667 0.8000 0.8000 R 2 ..CGTACGtr RGTACGAG.. 68 57 50 61 67 72 72 63.8571 75
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL7_M1567_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL7_M1567_1.02_CISBP 0.765 0.556 0.436 -0.091 0.875 1.9950 0.87516 10 9 8 11 0.7273 0.8000 0.8889 R -1 yaCGTACG.. .RTMGTACW 73 41 72 72 66 71 71 66.5714 76
oligos_5-7nt_m2 fgenesh1_pg.scaffold_252000020_M1571_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 fgenesh1_pg.scaffold_252000020_M1571_1.02_CISBP 0.766 0.690 0.247 -0.136 0.855 2.6108 0.87305 10 9 9 10 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 R 0 yaCGTACGt. VYYGTMCYS 72 21 78 77 69 81 79 68.1429 77
oligos_5-7nt_m4 Os02g0706600_M1116_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m4 Os02g0706600_M1116_1.02_CISBP 0.782 0.521 0.785 0.286 0.855 2.3125 0.86559 10 10 8 12 0.6667 0.8000 0.8000 R -2 taATTAAT.. ..KRATTARB 65 56 71 58 74 76 78 68.2857 78
oligos_5-7nt_m3 PK02532.1_M1303_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m3 PK02532.1_M1303_1.02_CISBP 0.773 0.492 1.986 -0.002 0.858 1.9857 0.85765 9 9 7 11 0.6364 0.7778 0.7778 R 2 ..AAATAww WAATATC.. 70 59 58 68 78 70 77 68.5714 79
oligos_5-7nt_m5 TRANSCRIPTION_INITIATION_FACTOR_TFIID-1_1qnb_B_3D-footprint oligos_5-7nt_m5 TRANSCRIPTION_INITIATION_FACTOR_TFIID-1_1qnb_B_3D-footprint 0.761 0.533 1.217 -0.070 0.867 1.8689 0.86191 10 7 7 10 0.7000 0.7000 1.0000 R 3 ...TACAArt TATAAAT 78 54 67 71 75 64 76 69.2857 80
oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL14_M01180_TRANSFAC oligos_5-7nt_m2 SPL14_M01180_TRANSFAC 0.774 0.541 1.944 -0.067 0.847 2.1365 0.85235 10 7 7 10 0.7000 0.7000 1.0000 R 2 ..CGTACGt. YGTACGG 69 51 60 70 82 75 80 69.5714 81
oligos_5-7nt_m2 RGL2_M0821_1.02_CISBP oligos_5-7nt_m2 RGL2_M0821_1.02_CISBP 0.757 0.551 0.323 -0.201 0.872 2.0558 0.87327 10 9 8 11 0.7273 0.8000 0.8889 R -1 yaCGTACG.. .WCCGTACR 80 45 76 81 68 73 74 71.0000 82
 Host name	baobab.eead.csic.es
 Job started	2016-06-03.165230
 Job done	2016-06-03.165416
 Seconds	73.23
	user	73.23
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	cuser	22.63
;	csystem	5.21