 compare-matrices  -v 1 -mode matches -format1 transfac -file1 2/regulon2.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/peaks_motifs_discovered.tf -format2 transfac -file2 $RSAT/_footprintDB/footprintDB.transfac.plants.motif.tf -mode matches -DR -uth offset_rank 1 -lth w 5 -lth Wr 0.3 -lth cor 0.75 -lth Ncor 0.4 -return matrix_name,matrix_id,cor,Ncor,logoDP,NIcor,NsEucl,SSD,NSW,match_rank,width,strand,offset,consensus,alignments_1ton -sort Ncor -o 2/regulon2.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB.tab
 Program version       	1.118
 Slow mode 
 Input files
	file2 	$RSAT/_footprintDB/footprintDB.transfac.plants.motif.tf
	file1 	2/regulon2.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/peaks_motifs_discovered.tf
 Output files
	alignments_1ton	2/regulon2.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB_alignments_1ton.tab
	match_table_txt	2/regulon2.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB.tab
	html_index   	2/regulon2.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB_index.html
	alignments_1ton_html	2/regulon2.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB_alignments_1ton.html
	match_table_html	2/regulon2.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB.html
	prefix       	2/regulon2.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB
	file1	6 matrices	2/regulon2.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/peaks_motifs_discovered.tf
		file1	1	16	102	rwaaAACATGTTttwy
		file1	2	11	240	wsATCTGTCta
		file1	3	16	98	dwaAAACATGTTaaww
		file1	4	10	44	ymCCCCTAah
		file1	5	22	101	wwATGTwTawAcwdwwmATAta
		file1	6	29	125	wwgATrwhaayawwwkwwayathhATCww
	file2	0 matrices	$RSAT/_footprintDB/footprintDB.transfac.plants.motif.tf
 Column content
	1	id1          	Identifier of the first matrix
	2	id2          	Identifier of the second matrix
	3	name1        	Name of the first matrix
	4	name2        	Name of the second matrix
	5	cor          	Pearson coefficient of correlation between frequency matrices
	6	Ncor         	Normalized correlation. Ncor = cor * Wr
	7	logoDP       	Dot product between the logo matrices.
	8	NIcor        	Normalized Pearson correlation between the information content matrices. NIcor = Icor * Wr
	9	NSW          	Normalized Sandelin-Wasserman similarity. NSW = SW/w
	10	SSD          	sum of squared distance.
	11	NsEucl       	relative Euclidian similarity. NsEucl = (max(dEucl) - dEucl)/max(dEucl)
	12	w1           	Width of the first matrix
	13	w2           	Width of the second matrix
	14	w            	Alignment length (number of overlapping columns between matrix 1 and matrix 2, as a function of the offset)
	15	W            	Total alignment length (overlapping + non-overlapping columns). W = w1 + w2 - w
	16	Wr           	Relative alignment length (overlap divided by the total alignemnt length). Wr = w/W
	17	wr1          	Alignment length relative to the width of the first matrix. wr1 = w/w1
	18	wr2          	Alignment length relative to the width of the second matrix. wr2 = w/w2
	19	strand       	"strand", i.e. orientation of matrix 2 relative to matrix 1 (D=direct;  R=reverse)
	20	offset       	shift of the second matrix relative to the first matrix (negative:left; positive: right)
	21	consensus1   	IUPAC consensus of matrix 1 (dots represent non-aligned columns)
	22	consensus2   	IUPAC consensus of matrix 2 (dots represent non-aligned columns)
	23	rcor         	Matching rank for cor
	24	rNcor        	Matching rank for Ncor
	25	rlogoDP      	Matching rank for logoDP
	26	rNIcor       	Matching rank for NIcor
	27	rNsEucl      	Matching rank for NsEucl
	28	rSSD         	Matching rank for SSD
	29	rNSW         	Matching rank for NSW
	30	rank_mean    	Mean of the matching ranks on all selected metrics
	31	match_rank   	Rank of the match (sorting by rank_mean)
id1	id2	name1	name2	cor	Ncor	logoDP	NIcor	NSW	SSD	NsEucl	w1	w2	w	W	Wr	wr1	wr2	strand	offset	consensus1	consensus2	rcor	rNcor	rlogoDP	rNIcor	rNsEucl	rSSD	rNSW	rank_mean	match_rank
 Host name	baobab.eead.csic.es
 Job started	2016-06-03.091735
 Job done	2016-06-03.091735
 Seconds	0.37
	user	0.37
	system	0.04
	cuser	0
;	csystem	0