 compare-matrices  -v 1 -mode matches -format1 transfac -file1 WRI1/regulonWRI1.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/peaks_motifs_discovered.tf -format2 transfac -file2 $RSAT/_footprintDB/footprintDB.transfac.plants.motif.tf -mode matches -DR -uth offset_rank 1 -lth w 5 -lth Wr 0.3 -lth cor 0.75 -lth Ncor 0.4 -return matrix_name,matrix_id,cor,Ncor,logoDP,NIcor,NsEucl,SSD,NSW,match_rank,width,strand,offset,consensus,alignments_1ton -sort Ncor -o WRI1/regulonWRI1.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB.tab
 Program version       	1.118
 Slow mode 
 Input files
	file2 	$RSAT/_footprintDB/footprintDB.transfac.plants.motif.tf
	file1 	WRI1/regulonWRI1.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/peaks_motifs_discovered.tf
 Output files
	alignments_1ton	WRI1/regulonWRI1.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB_alignments_1ton.tab
	match_table_txt	WRI1/regulonWRI1.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB.tab
	html_index   	WRI1/regulonWRI1.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB_index.html
	alignments_1ton_html	WRI1/regulonWRI1.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB_alignments_1ton.html
	match_table_html	WRI1/regulonWRI1.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB.html
	prefix       	WRI1/regulonWRI1.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_vs_db/peaks_motifs_vs_db_footDB
	file1	10 matrices	WRI1/regulonWRI1.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/peaks_motifs_discovered.tf
		file1	1	12	52	rrAACCCTAGyb
		file1	2	11	133	wyGGCCCATty
		file1	3	11	67	mmaAGCCCAwb
		file1	4	12	106	wwATTATAATww
		file1	5	12	174	gcCGCCGCCGcc
		file1	6	11	113	aaAACCCTAkh
		file1	7	14	48	vaATCAAscCTArc
		file1	8	10	56	hmGGCCCAkk
		file1	9	30	90	hrAAAymskdtCkAwtwwwwwtwwwatatm
		file1	10	28	66	wtaATarssYwkAwtwrwywwmwatykw
	file2	887 matrices	$RSAT/_footprintDB/footprintDB.transfac.plants.motif.tf
		file2		1		16		5		TCATTCCACGTAGATr
		file2		2		6		96		GTnAnA
		file2		3		9		96		TGGTnnnTA
		file2		4		9		96		tGGtnnnnA
		file2		5		18		96		TGCnTGnnnnnnaCGcAA
		file2		6		6		96		TGCnTG
		file2		7		5		96		CGAAG
		file2		8		16		96		CgnTTcnAnnnCGAAG
		file2		9		7		96		GGrmGsy
		file2		10		18		96		GGnCGACCnnnGGrCGgT
		file2		11		9		96		TTGTnTCCC
		...	877 more matrices
 Column content
	1	id1          	Identifier of the first matrix
	2	id2          	Identifier of the second matrix
	3	name1        	Name of the first matrix
	4	name2        	Name of the second matrix
	5	cor          	Pearson coefficient of correlation between frequency matrices
	6	Ncor         	Normalized correlation. Ncor = cor * Wr
	7	logoDP       	Dot product between the logo matrices.
	8	NIcor        	Normalized Pearson correlation between the information content matrices. NIcor = Icor * Wr
	9	NSW          	Normalized Sandelin-Wasserman similarity. NSW = SW/w
	10	SSD          	sum of squared distance.
	11	NsEucl       	relative Euclidian similarity. NsEucl = (max(dEucl) - dEucl)/max(dEucl)
	12	w1           	Width of the first matrix
	13	w2           	Width of the second matrix
	14	w            	Alignment length (number of overlapping columns between matrix 1 and matrix 2, as a function of the offset)
	15	W            	Total alignment length (overlapping + non-overlapping columns). W = w1 + w2 - w
	16	Wr           	Relative alignment length (overlap divided by the total alignemnt length). Wr = w/W
	17	wr1          	Alignment length relative to the width of the first matrix. wr1 = w/w1
	18	wr2          	Alignment length relative to the width of the second matrix. wr2 = w/w2
	19	strand       	"strand", i.e. orientation of matrix 2 relative to matrix 1 (D=direct;  R=reverse)
	20	offset       	shift of the second matrix relative to the first matrix (negative:left; positive: right)
	21	consensus1   	IUPAC consensus of matrix 1 (dots represent non-aligned columns)
	22	consensus2   	IUPAC consensus of matrix 2 (dots represent non-aligned columns)
	23	rcor         	Matching rank for cor
	24	rNcor        	Matching rank for Ncor
	25	rlogoDP      	Matching rank for logoDP
	26	rNIcor       	Matching rank for NIcor
	27	rNsEucl      	Matching rank for NsEucl
	28	rSSD         	Matching rank for SSD
	29	rNSW         	Matching rank for NSW
	30	rank_mean    	Mean of the matching ranks on all selected metrics
	31	match_rank   	Rank of the match (sorting by rank_mean)
id1 id2 name1 name2 cor Ncor logoDP NIcor NSW SSD NsEucl w1 w2 w W Wr wr1 wr2 strand offset consensus1 consensus2 rcor rNcor rlogoDP rNIcor rNsEucl rSSD rNSW rank_mean match_rank
oligos_5-7nt_m5 7251_RAP2.6_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 7251_RAP2.6_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.957 0.797 7.687 0.793 0.978 0.4437 0.95290 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 0 gcCGCCGCCG.. gSCGCCGCCr 5 2 8 2 5 6 5 4.7143 1
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10960_ERF1_M0025_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10960_ERF1_M0025_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.933 0.777 7.908 0.760 0.968 0.6441 0.94325 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. smGCCGCCry 9 4 7 4 6 9 7 6.5714 2
oligos_5-7nt_m5 7221_ERF1_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 7221_ERF1_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.904 0.753 6.867 0.752 0.955 0.9073 0.93264 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 0 gcCGCCGCCG.. rsCGCCGCCa 15 6 20 6 11 17 13 12.5714 3
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10843_CRF2_M0029_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10843_CRF2_M0029_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.988 0.659 6.886 0.653 0.993 0.1057 0.97127 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCC... sCGCCGCC 2 42 19 38 1 2 2 15.1429 4
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 10566_0100010593_M1389_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 10566_0100010593_M1389_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.906 0.824 3.234 0.818 0.963 0.7356 0.93935 11 10 10 11 0.9091 0.9091 1.0000 D 1 .aAACCCTAkh wwAMCCTarw 14 1 94 1 7 11 10 19.7143 5
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10845_CRF4_M0033_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10845_CRF4_M0033_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.975 0.650 6.388 0.645 0.987 0.2058 0.95990 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCC... sCGCCGCC 4 48 34 43 4 4 4 20.1429 6
oligos_5-7nt_m5 11289_LOC_Os05g41760_M0043_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 11289_LOC_Os05g41760_M0043_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.945 0.630 8.256 0.621 0.966 0.5416 0.93495 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCCG.. CGsCGCCr 7 58 4 52 8 7 8 20.5714 7
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10683_ATERF-4_M0022_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10683_ATERF-4_M0022_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.983 0.655 5.504 0.650 0.991 0.1464 0.96618 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCC... cCGCCGcC 3 45 52 41 3 3 3 21.4286 8
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10649_AT2G33710_M0018_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10649_AT2G33710_M0018_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.888 0.740 4.856 0.722 0.949 1.0103 0.92892 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 0 gcCGCCGCCG.. gscGCCGcca 18 7 67 12 13 23 16 22.2857 9
oligos_5-7nt_m5 7256_RRTF1_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 7256_RRTF1_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.875 0.729 6.750 0.720 0.941 1.1871 0.92296 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 0 gcCGCCGCCG.. gsCGCCGCCA 23 12 26 13 22 31 29 22.2857 10
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10670_AT5G43410_M0037_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10670_AT5G43410_M0037_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.884 0.737 4.545 0.723 0.947 1.0605 0.92718 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. smGCCGcCay 20 9 70 11 15 25 18 24.0000 11
oligos_5-7nt_m5 11540_ORA59_M0005_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 11540_ORA59_M0005_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.939 0.626 7.080 0.609 0.966 0.5448 0.93476 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCCG.. mGCCGCCg 8 62 16 57 9 8 9 24.1429 12
oligos_5-7nt_m5 7248_RAP2.3_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 7248_RAP2.3_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.873 0.727 5.422 0.726 0.943 1.1305 0.92482 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 0 gcCGCCGCCG.. rgCGCCGCmw 26 13 54 10 18 28 25 24.8571 13
oligos_5-7nt_m4 7188_AHL20_3_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m4 7188_AHL20_3_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.881 0.734 3.535 0.747 0.948 1.0389 0.92793 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 R 1 .wATTATAATw. TAWWWWWWTA 22 11 89 7 14 24 17 26.2857 14
oligos_5-7nt_m5 7213_DEAR3_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 7213_DEAR3_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.883 0.736 4.053 0.739 0.946 1.0870 0.92628 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. kCrCCGmCsw 21 10 81 8 17 26 22 26.4286 15
oligos_5-7nt_m1 10566_0100010593_M1389_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m1 10566_0100010593_M1389_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.886 0.738 4.078 0.734 0.943 1.1440 0.92437 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .rAACCCTAGy. wwAMCCTarw 19 8 80 9 19 29 27 27.2857 16
oligos_5-7nt_m1 10572_1200010153_M1391_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m1 10572_1200010153_M1391_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.865 0.721 6.153 0.702 0.939 1.2174 0.92198 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 2 ..AACCCTAGyb amCCCTAryy 28 15 43 18 26 35 30 27.8571 17
oligos_5-7nt_m5 755_M01057_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 755_M01057_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.990 0.577 5.802 0.575 0.994 0.0831 0.97088 12 7 7 12 0.5833 0.5833 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCC... CGCCGCC 1 81 51 72 2 1 1 29.8571 18
oligos_5-7nt_m5 7216_DEAR4_2_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 7216_DEAR4_2_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.859 0.716 6.188 0.715 0.934 1.3193 0.91878 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 0 gcCGCCGCCG.. rGCGCCGCCt 31 17 41 16 31 43 34 30.4286 19
oligos_5-7nt_m5 7246_ORA47_2_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 7246_ORA47_2_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.853 0.711 6.491 0.715 0.931 1.3715 0.91719 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 0 gcCGCCGCCG.. kGCGCCGmCy 36 18 33 15 33 44 36 30.7143 20
oligos_5-7nt_m5 4995_ABI4_Athamap_20091028_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 4995_ABI4_Athamap_20091028_ 0.852 0.710 7.338 0.695 0.928 1.4471 0.91494 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCCGcc CrCCGCCccs 37 19 12 22 36 51 41 31.1429 21
oligos_5-7nt_m1 11276_LOC_Os01g51154_M1361_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m1 11276_LOC_Os01g51154_M1361_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.859 0.716 5.295 0.701 0.936 1.2837 0.91989 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 2 ..AACCCTAGyb wrmCCTArhy 30 16 57 20 29 40 32 32.0000 22
oligos_5-7nt_m5 11601_PK19363.1_M0004_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 11601_PK19363.1_M0004_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.924 0.616 5.352 0.604 0.958 0.6793 0.92715 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCCG.. CGCCGcCr 10 70 55 62 16 10 11 33.4286 23
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10565_0100010458_M0076_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10565_0100010458_M0076_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.913 0.609 6.742 0.593 0.952 0.7699 0.92244 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCCG.. cGCCGCCr 13 76 27 67 24 13 15 33.5714 24
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10962_ERF3_M0011_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10962_ERF3_M0011_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.916 0.611 6.216 0.598 0.954 0.7366 0.92414 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCCG.. CGCCGcCr 12 74 39 65 20 12 14 33.7143 25
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 10572_1200010153_M1391_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 10572_1200010153_M1391_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.874 0.656 4.874 0.640 0.947 0.9568 0.92315 11 10 9 12 0.7500 0.8182 0.9000 D 2 ..AACCCTAkh amCCCTAry. 24 43 66 45 21 19 19 33.8571 26
oligos_5-7nt_m5 11906_WIN1_M0006_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 11906_WIN1_M0006_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.867 0.723 3.304 0.720 0.935 1.2994 0.91940 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. vCrCCGCmrt 27 14 92 14 30 42 33 36.0000 27
oligos_5-7nt_m5 5032_NtERF2_Athamap_20091028_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 5032_NtERF2_Athamap_20091028_ 0.955 0.557 4.119 0.551 0.970 0.4218 0.93439 12 7 7 12 0.5833 0.5833 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCC... yGCCGCC 6 86 79 77 10 5 6 38.4286 28
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2117_M03169_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2117_M03169_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.834 0.695 8.163 0.702 0.914 1.7143 0.90742 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. wYGCCGCCGA 47 25 6 19 46 73 56 38.8571 29
oligos_5-7nt_m5 9050_MA0567_JASPAR_2014_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 9050_MA0567_JASPAR_2014_ 0.895 0.597 6.775 0.586 0.941 0.9490 0.91390 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCCG.. mGCCGCCa 17 78 25 69 38 18 28 39.0000 30
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10686_ATERF13_M0020_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10686_ATERF13_M0020_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.900 0.600 6.181 0.580 0.946 0.8716 0.91748 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCCG.. sGCCGcCr 16 77 42 70 32 15 23 39.2857 31
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 11276_LOC_Os01g51154_M1361_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 11276_LOC_Os01g51154_M1361_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.864 0.648 4.158 0.630 0.945 0.9935 0.92169 11 10 9 12 0.7500 0.8182 0.9000 D 2 ..AACCCTAkh wrmCCTArh. 29 49 77 47 28 22 24 39.4286 32
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 12185_estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_Chr_13.00_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 12185_estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_Chr_13.00_CISBP_1.02_ 0.835 0.683 3.774 0.652 0.934 1.1896 0.91431 11 9 9 11 0.8182 0.8182 1.0000 D 2 ..AACCCTAkh wrmCCTArh 46 30 84 39 37 32 35 43.2857 33
oligos_5-7nt_m5 7249_RAP2.3_2_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 7249_RAP2.3_2_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.824 0.687 6.076 0.689 0.920 1.5971 0.91064 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. smGCCGCmaw 58 29 46 23 41 59 51 43.8571 34
oligos_5-7nt_m4 7283_YAB1_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m4 7283_YAB1_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.828 0.690 3.617 0.696 0.929 1.4270 0.91553 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 0 wwATTATAAT.. ywATmATAAt 55 27 86 21 35 48 39 44.4286 35
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10654_AT3G23230_M0024_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10654_AT3G23230_M0024_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.923 0.616 2.310 0.609 0.943 0.9071 0.91582 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCC... smGCCGcC 11 71 105 58 34 16 26 45.8571 36
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10685_ATERF-8_M0012_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10685_ATERF-8_M0012_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.832 0.694 3.568 0.685 0.924 1.5216 0.91278 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCCGcc cGCCGccaww 50 26 87 24 39 53 45 46.2857 37
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 1445_M01850_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 1445_M01850_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.836 0.696 7.447 0.519 0.915 1.6993 0.90782 10 12 10 12 0.8333 1.0000 0.8333 R -2 hmGGCCCAkk ..SGGGCCCACM 44 24 10 83 45 68 54 46.8571 38
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m2 11276_LOC_Os01g51154_M1361_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m2 11276_LOC_Os01g51154_M1361_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.873 0.524 3.557 0.519 0.957 0.7813 0.93055 14 10 9 15 0.6000 0.6429 0.9000 D 5 .....AAscCTArc wrmCCTArh. 25 96 88 85 12 14 12 47.4286 39
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 2130_M03182_TRANSFAC_2012.1__M03188_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 2130_M03182_TRANSFAC_2012.1__M03188_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.858 0.702 6.631 0.388 0.921 1.4196 0.90639 10 10 9 11 0.8182 0.9000 0.9000 R -1 hmGGCCCAk. .ATGGCCCAM 33 21 30 107 51 47 48 48.1429 40
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 12182_estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_Chr_03.00_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 12182_estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_Chr_03.00_CISBP_1.02_ 0.832 0.681 2.560 0.651 0.931 1.2461 0.91229 11 9 9 11 0.8182 0.8182 1.0000 D 1 .aAACCCTAk. wwrmCCYar 51 32 102 40 40 37 37 48.4286 41
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 2138_M03191_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 2138_M03191_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.857 0.701 6.654 0.390 0.921 1.4306 0.90603 10 10 9 11 0.8182 0.9000 0.9000 R -1 hmGGCCCAk. .ATGGCCCAM 34 22 29 106 52 49 49 48.7143 42
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11812_TCP3_M1645_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11812_TCP3_M1645_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.782 0.782 6.152 0.792 0.909 1.8155 0.90472 10 10 10 10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 hmGGCCCAkk kgGGaCCAch 90 3 44 3 55 81 66 48.8571 43
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10961_ERF2_M0038_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10961_ERF2_M0038_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.845 0.704 1.862 0.705 0.916 1.6896 0.90809 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 0 gcCGCCGCCG.. hsmGCCGcCa 40 20 108 17 44 67 53 49.8571 44
oligos_5-7nt_m5 7258_RRTF1_3_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 7258_RRTF1_3_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.815 0.679 6.811 0.678 0.908 1.8350 0.90421 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. sCGCCGCCAt 65 33 22 27 57 83 69 50.8571 45
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10684_ATERF-7_M0023_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10684_ATERF-7_M0023_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.825 0.688 3.057 0.679 0.919 1.6274 0.90980 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCCGcc mGCCGycaww 57 28 95 25 43 62 52 51.7143 46
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m2 10572_1200010153_M1391_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m2 10572_1200010153_M1391_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.859 0.515 4.138 0.503 0.946 0.9691 0.92266 14 10 9 15 0.6000 0.6429 0.9000 D 5 .....AAscCTArc amCCCTAry. 32 99 78 91 23 20 20 51.8571 47
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11547_OsI_08196_M1658_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11547_OsI_08196_M1658_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.829 0.663 8.235 0.642 0.901 1.5800 0.88890 10 8 8 10 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 D 1 .mGGCCCAk. GGGCCCAC 54 38 5 44 91 56 80 52.5714 48
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m2 12185_estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_Chr_13.00_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m2 12185_estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_Chr_13.00_CISBP_1.02_ 0.835 0.537 3.248 0.528 0.946 0.9767 0.92235 14 9 9 14 0.6429 0.6429 1.0000 D 5 .....AAscCTArc wrmCCTArh 45 91 93 80 25 21 21 53.7143 49
oligos_5-7nt_m5 7250_RAP2.3_3_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 7250_RAP2.3_3_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.800 0.667 5.487 0.674 0.910 1.7923 0.90533 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. gCGCCGCCAw 74 36 53 30 54 80 65 56.0000 50
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2146_M03199_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2146_M03199_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.792 0.660 6.567 0.678 0.904 1.9256 0.90188 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. aTGCCGCCsm 81 40 32 29 62 87 76 58.1429 51
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2131_M03183_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2131_M03183_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.851 0.486 5.987 0.486 0.925 1.2003 0.90316 12 10 8 14 0.5714 0.6667 0.8000 D -2 gcCGCCGC.... ..vCCGCCGr 38 102 47 92 59 33 43 59.1429 52
oligos_5-7nt_m5 7257_RRTF1_2_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 7257_RRTF1_2_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.797 0.664 6.799 0.665 0.901 1.9896 0.90026 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. sCGCCGCmAw 77 37 23 34 70 94 81 59.4286 53
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 7266_TCP15_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 7266_TCP15_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.766 0.766 9.339 0.754 0.876 2.4728 0.88881 10 10 10 10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 hmGGCCCAkk GGGGCCCACm 99 5 1 5 93 111 105 59.8571 54
oligos_5-7nt_m5 11692_Rap2.6L_M0036_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 11692_Rap2.6L_M0036_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.818 0.681 2.361 0.669 0.912 1.7504 0.90645 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. smGCCGymaw 63 31 104 32 49 78 62 59.8571 55
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10959_ERF11_M0009_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10959_ERF11_M0009_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.812 0.676 2.683 0.666 0.913 1.7496 0.90647 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. scGCCGymaw 68 34 99 33 48 77 61 60.0000 56
oligos_5-7nt_m1 12185_estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_Chr_13.00_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m1 12185_estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_Chr_13.00_CISBP_1.02_ 0.827 0.620 4.945 0.596 0.915 1.5354 0.90265 12 9 9 12 0.7500 0.7500 1.0000 D 2 ..AACCCTAGy. wrmCCTArh 56 67 65 66 60 54 55 60.4286 57
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2142_M03195_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2142_M03195_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.791 0.659 6.929 0.670 0.900 1.9968 0.90008 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. aTGCCGCyGm 83 41 18 31 71 96 83 60.4286 58
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11280_LOC_Os02g42380_M1657_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11280_LOC_Os02g42380_M1657_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.800 0.654 6.116 0.623 0.908 1.6631 0.89868 10 10 9 11 0.8182 0.9000 0.9000 D -1 hmGGCCCAk. .kGGgcCCmm 75 46 45 50 74 64 70 60.5714 59
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m2 10566_0100010593_M1389_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m2 10566_0100010593_M1389_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.801 0.572 2.412 0.568 0.939 1.2244 0.92176 14 10 10 14 0.7143 0.7143 1.0000 D 4 ....CAAscCTArc wwAMCCTarw 73 82 103 73 27 36 31 60.7143 60
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m2 10701_ATTRB2_M1346_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m2 10701_ATTRB2_M1346_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.838 0.479 4.748 0.465 0.930 1.1210 0.90642 14 8 8 14 0.5714 0.5714 1.0000 D 5 .....AAscCTAr. wrmCCTAr 43 106 68 96 50 27 38 61.1429 61
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2141_M03194_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2141_M03194_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.849 0.485 5.112 0.462 0.926 1.1855 0.90376 12 10 8 14 0.5714 0.6667 0.8000 D 4 ....CCGCCGcc wcGCCGmC.. 39 103 61 98 58 30 42 61.5714 62
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11146_Glyma19g26560.1_M1661_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11146_Glyma19g26560.1_M1661_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.778 0.700 7.062 0.679 0.891 1.9553 0.89014 10 9 9 10 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 D 0 hmGGCCCAk. gGGsCCCAC 92 23 17 26 89 93 92 61.7143 63
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2155_M03208_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2155_M03208_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.787 0.655 6.848 0.660 0.898 2.0348 0.89913 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. wsGCCGCCCs 85 44 21 36 73 97 85 63.0000 64
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10844_CRF3_M0041_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10844_CRF3_M0041_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.839 0.629 2.563 0.601 0.913 1.5614 0.90183 12 9 9 12 0.7500 0.7500 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCG.. scGCCgcca 41 61 101 64 63 55 58 63.2857 65
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2136_M03189_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2136_M03189_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.839 0.479 5.057 0.464 0.924 1.2134 0.90263 12 10 8 14 0.5714 0.6667 0.8000 D 4 ....CCGCCGcc wsGCCGmC.. 42 105 62 97 61 34 44 63.5714 66
oligos_5-7nt_m5 7202_ATERF1_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 7202_ATERF1_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.794 0.662 2.970 0.622 0.913 1.7488 0.90649 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 0 gcCGCCGCCG.. GGcGsCGsCb 78 39 96 51 47 76 60 63.8571 67
oligos_5-7nt_m1 12182_estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_Chr_03.00_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m1 12182_estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_Chr_03.00_CISBP_1.02_ 0.833 0.625 3.464 0.606 0.911 1.6060 0.90043 12 9 9 12 0.7500 0.7500 1.0000 D 1 .rAACCCTAG.. wwrmCCYar 49 63 90 59 69 60 64 64.8571 68
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11598_PK14653.1_M1643_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11598_PK14653.1_M1643_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.798 0.653 4.528 0.627 0.907 1.6686 0.89851 10 10 9 11 0.8182 0.9000 0.9000 D -1 hmGGCCCAk. .TGGGCCCAc 76 47 72 48 75 65 71 64.8571 69
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2145_M03198_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2145_M03198_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.834 0.476 5.046 0.461 0.922 1.2504 0.90116 12 10 8 14 0.5714 0.6667 0.8000 D 4 ....CCGCCGcc wsGCCGmC.. 48 108 63 99 66 38 46 66.8571 70
oligos_5-7nt_m4 9871_1qn6_B_3D-footprint_20150526_ oligos_5-7nt_m4 9871_1qn6_B_3D-footprint_20150526_ 0.831 0.554 4.549 0.543 0.914 1.3747 0.89637 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 0 wwATTATA.... CTATTATA 52 87 69 79 81 45 57 67.1429 71
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10635_AT1G22985_M0007_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10635_AT1G22985_M0007_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.830 0.622 2.933 0.592 0.912 1.5843 0.90111 12 9 9 12 0.7500 0.7500 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCG.. scGCCGcca 53 66 97 68 67 57 63 67.2857 72
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11809_TCP20_M1647_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11809_TCP20_M1647_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.782 0.640 6.340 0.626 0.897 1.8511 0.89311 10 10 9 11 0.8182 0.9000 0.9000 D 1 .mGGCCCAkk GGsCCCACm. 89 55 35 49 84 86 86 69.1429 73
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11811_TCP2_M1648_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11811_TCP2_M1648_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.786 0.643 5.112 0.610 0.903 1.7448 0.89622 10 10 9 11 0.8182 0.9000 0.9000 R -1 hmGGCCCAk. .TGGKMCCAC 88 52 60 56 82 75 78 70.1429 74
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 10701_ATTRB2_M1346_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 10701_ATTRB2_M1346_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.805 0.585 5.153 0.557 0.907 1.4892 0.89214 11 8 8 11 0.7273 0.7273 1.0000 D 2 ..AACCCTAk. wrmCCTAr 71 79 58 75 86 52 72 70.4286 75
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10682_ATERF-1_M0028_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10682_ATERF-1_M0028_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.819 0.615 2.701 0.605 0.909 1.6399 0.89939 12 9 9 12 0.7500 0.7500 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCG.. smGCCgyCm 62 72 98 60 72 63 67 70.5714 76
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2122_M03174_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2122_M03174_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.766 0.638 7.151 0.663 0.885 2.2965 0.89284 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. wsGCCGCCAr 100 56 15 35 85 107 96 70.5714 77
oligos_5-7nt_m5 1584_M01999_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 1584_M01999_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.854 0.569 0.359 -0.160 0.922 1.2542 0.90101 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 R 1 .cCGCCGCC... VAGCCGCC 35 83 112 112 68 39 47 70.8571 78
oligos_5-7nt_m4 7190_AHL25_2_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m4 7190_AHL25_2_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.771 0.642 3.414 0.616 0.909 1.8273 0.90441 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .wATTATAATw. aAwwWWwwTw 98 54 91 53 56 82 68 71.7143 79
oligos_5-7nt_m1 7264_STY1_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m1 7264_STY1_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.816 0.565 5.879 0.512 0.905 1.7033 0.89746 12 10 9 13 0.6923 0.7500 0.9000 R 3 ...ACCCTAGyb RCCCTAGGG. 64 84 49 88 77 69 73 72.0000 80
oligos_5-7nt_m5 8786_MA0123_JASPAR_2014_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 8786_MA0123_JASPAR_2014_ 0.775 0.646 4.331 0.612 0.903 1.9365 0.90160 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCCGcc CGsyGCcccc 95 50 76 55 64 88 77 72.1429 81
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2137_M03190_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2137_M03190_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.756 0.630 7.425 0.659 0.883 2.3477 0.89165 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. wkGCCGCCmg 107 59 11 37 87 108 98 72.4286 82
oligos_5-7nt_m4 9870_1qn4_B_3D-footprint_20150526_ oligos_5-7nt_m4 9870_1qn4_B_3D-footprint_20150526_ 0.815 0.543 6.228 0.527 0.899 1.6158 0.88765 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 0 wwATTATA.... aTtTTATA 66 88 36 81 96 61 84 73.1429 83
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10963_ERF5_M0039_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10963_ERF5_M0039_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.806 0.672 1.228 0.678 0.894 2.1230 0.89697 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 0 gcCGCCGCCG.. hsmGccgccm 70 35 109 28 80 101 89 73.1429 84
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2140_M03193_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2140_M03193_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.756 0.630 7.508 0.638 0.880 2.4029 0.89039 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. wkGCCGCCCs 106 57 9 46 88 109 99 73.4286 85
oligos_5-7nt_m4 10694_ATHB22_M0844_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m4 10694_ATHB22_M0844_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.822 0.462 0.889 0.097 0.928 1.2977 0.91050 12 13 9 16 0.5625 0.7500 0.6923 R -4 wwATTATAA... ....AWATTATWA 61 110 110 110 42 41 40 73.4286 86
oligos_5-7nt_m5 11293_LOC_Os08g36920_M0044_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 11293_LOC_Os08g36920_M0044_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.771 0.643 3.915 0.613 0.903 1.9395 0.90152 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 0 gcCGCCGCCG.. bscGsCGyma 97 53 82 54 65 89 79 74.1429 87
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2161_M03214_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2161_M03214_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.812 0.464 4.985 0.452 0.913 1.3883 0.89586 12 10 8 14 0.5714 0.6667 0.8000 D 4 ....CCGCCGcc wsGCCGmY.. 67 109 64 100 83 46 59 75.4286 88
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2151_M03204_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2151_M03204_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.755 0.630 7.319 0.645 0.876 2.4719 0.88883 12 10 10 12 0.8333 0.8333 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCCGc. wsGCCGCCAa 108 60 13 42 92 110 104 75.5714 89
oligos_5-7nt_m2 2130_M03182_TRANSFAC_2012.1__M03188_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m2 2130_M03182_TRANSFAC_2012.1__M03188_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.823 0.617 4.402 0.391 0.905 1.7040 0.89744 11 10 9 12 0.7500 0.8182 0.9000 R -1 wyGGCCCAT.. .ATGGCCCAM 59 68 75 105 78 70 74 75.5714 90
oligos_5-7nt_m1 10701_ATTRB2_M1346_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m1 10701_ATTRB2_M1346_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.808 0.539 6.629 0.510 0.895 1.6789 0.88547 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 2 ..AACCCTAG.. wrmCCTAr 69 90 31 90 98 66 88 76.0000 91
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 1446_M01851_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 1446_M01851_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.786 0.643 8.610 0.545 0.873 2.2835 0.88128 10 10 9 11 0.8182 0.9000 0.9000 R -1 hmGGCCCAk. .SGGGYCCAC 86 51 3 78 103 106 107 76.2857 92
oligos_5-7nt_m2 2138_M03191_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m2 2138_M03191_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.822 0.617 4.410 0.392 0.905 1.7148 0.89712 11 10 9 12 0.7500 0.8182 0.9000 R -1 wyGGCCCAT.. .ATGGCCCAM 60 69 73 104 79 74 75 76.2857 93
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 665_M00948_TRANSFAC_2012.1__PCF2_Athamap_20091028_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 665_M00948_TRANSFAC_2012.1__PCF2_Athamap_20091028_ 0.762 0.624 6.780 0.604 0.886 2.0578 0.88729 10 10 9 11 0.8182 0.9000 0.9000 D -1 hmGGCCCAk. .gGGsCCCAC 102 64 24 61 97 99 95 77.4286 94
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 10675_AT5G51910_M1649_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 10675_AT5G51910_M1649_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.762 0.623 5.934 0.601 0.889 1.9959 0.88900 10 10 9 11 0.8182 0.9000 0.9000 D -1 hmGGCCCAk. .gGGsCCCAC 103 65 48 63 90 95 93 79.5714 95
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m2 12182_estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_Chr_03.00_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m2 12182_estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_Chr_03.00_CISBP_1.02_ 0.756 0.486 1.942 0.468 0.921 1.4308 0.90602 14 9 9 14 0.6429 0.6429 1.0000 D 4 ....CAAscCTAr. wwrmCCYar 105 101 107 95 53 50 50 80.1429 96
oligos_5-7nt_m4 9932_1vto_B_3D-footprint_20150526_ oligos_5-7nt_m4 9932_1vto_B_3D-footprint_20150526_ 0.792 0.528 6.223 0.519 0.888 1.7902 0.88174 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 0 wwATTATA.... cTtTTATA 79 93 37 84 102 79 94 81.1429 97
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11940_XM_002867953.1_M1653_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11940_XM_002867953.1_M1653_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.765 0.612 9.088 0.577 0.858 2.2794 0.86656 10 8 8 10 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 D 1 .mGGCCCAk. GGsmCCAC 101 73 2 71 110 105 111 81.8571 98
oligos_5-7nt_m5 11657_RAP2.6_M0010_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 11657_RAP2.6_M0010_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.804 0.536 2.215 0.520 0.900 1.5966 0.88831 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 1 .cCGCCGCC... syGCcGkc 72 92 106 82 94 58 82 83.7143 99
oligos_5-7nt_m2 1445_M01850_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m2 1445_M01850_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.792 0.609 4.531 0.445 0.897 2.0691 0.89829 11 12 10 13 0.7692 0.9091 0.8333 R -2 wyGGCCCATt. ..SGGGCCCACM 80 75 71 101 76 100 87 84.2857 100
oligos_5-7nt_m5 675_M00958_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 675_M00958_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.752 0.579 7.236 0.562 0.874 2.5170 0.88782 12 11 10 13 0.7692 0.8333 0.9091 D -1 gcCGCCGCCG.. .rGCACCGCCC 110 80 14 74 95 112 106 84.4286 101
oligos_5-7nt_m4 9878_1qne_B_3D-footprint_20150526_ oligos_5-7nt_m4 9878_1qne_B_3D-footprint_20150526_ 0.786 0.524 6.218 0.517 0.885 1.8409 0.88008 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 0 wwATTATA.... cTtTTATA 87 95 38 86 104 84 97 84.4286 102
oligos_5-7nt_m2 11547_OsI_08196_M1658_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m2 11547_OsI_08196_M1658_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.774 0.563 5.325 0.552 0.879 1.9417 0.87684 11 8 8 11 0.7273 0.7273 1.0000 D 1 .yGGCCCAT.. GGGCCCAC 96 85 56 76 105 90 100 86.8571 103
oligos_5-7nt_m4 7997_1vol_AB_3D-footprint_20150526__1vol_B_3D-footprint_20150526_ oligos_5-7nt_m4 7997_1vol_AB_3D-footprint_20150526__1vol_B_3D-footprint_20150526_ 0.777 0.518 6.215 0.516 0.879 1.9432 0.87679 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 0 wwATTATA.... cTtTTATA 93 97 40 87 106 91 101 87.8571 104
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10687_ATERF15_M0017_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10687_ATERF15_M0017_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.791 0.527 3.628 0.477 0.893 1.7101 0.88441 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 R 2 ..CGCCGCCG.. GGCCGSCG 82 94 85 94 100 72 91 88.2857 105
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 7264_STY1_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m1 7264_STY1_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.787 0.485 4.404 0.437 0.893 1.7081 0.88448 11 10 8 13 0.6154 0.7273 0.8000 R 3 ...ACCCTAkh RCCCTAGG.. 84 104 74 102 99 71 90 89.1429 106
oligos_5-7nt_m5 7219_DREB2C_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 7219_DREB2C_ArabidopsisPBM_20140210_ 0.780 0.540 5.834 0.511 0.878 2.1935 0.88364 12 10 9 13 0.6923 0.7500 0.9000 D -1 gcCGCCGCC... .GCGGCCGCc 91 89 50 89 101 102 103 89.2857 107
oligos_5-7nt_m5 10674_AT5G51190_M0040_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 10674_AT5G51190_M0040_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.754 0.503 6.708 0.485 0.859 2.2586 0.86716 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 D 2 ..CGCCGCCG.. kGCCGGCG 109 100 28 93 109 104 110 93.2857 108
oligos_5-7nt_m5 2154_M03207_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ oligos_5-7nt_m5 2154_M03207_TRANSFAC_2012.1_ 0.752 0.430 5.143 0.405 0.862 2.2141 0.86848 12 10 8 14 0.5714 0.6667 0.8000 D -2 gcCGCCGC.... ..GCCGCCAC 111 112 59 103 108 103 109 100.7143 109
oligos_5-7nt_m4 7999_1vtl_E_3D-footprint_20150526_ oligos_5-7nt_m4 7999_1vtl_E_3D-footprint_20150526_ 0.777 0.518 0.534 -0.125 0.879 1.9432 0.87679 12 8 8 12 0.6667 0.6667 1.0000 R 0 wwATTATA.... CTTTTATA 93 97 111 111 106 91 101 101.4286 110
oligos_5-7nt_m2 11940_XM_002867953.1_M1653_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ oligos_5-7nt_m2 11940_XM_002867953.1_M1653_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.761 0.444 2.579 0.130 0.868 1.8422 0.86289 11 8 7 12 0.5833 0.6364 0.8750 R -1 wyGGCCC.... .TGGKSCC 104 111 100 109 111 85 108 104.0000 111
dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11937_XM_002865836.1_M1654_1.02_CISBP_1.02__XM_002876964.1_M1652_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m3 11937_XM_002865836.1_M1654_1.02_CISBP_1.02__XM_002876964.1_M1652_1.02_CISBP_1.02_ 0.752 0.478 3.852 0.138 0.854 2.0415 0.85567 10 8 7 11 0.6364 0.7000 0.8750 R -1 hmGGCCC... .TGGGSYC 112 107 83 108 112 98 112 104.5714 112
 Host name	baobab.eead.csic.es
 Job started	2015-11-24.141849
 Job done	2015-11-24.142040
 Seconds	64.31
	user	64.31
	system	8.26
	cuser	29.92
;	csystem	7.72