 compare-matrices  -v 1 -mode matches -format1 transfac -file1 W10/regulonW10.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5/peaks_dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5.tf -format2 transfac -file2 $RSAT/_footprintDB/footprintDB.transfac.plants.motif.tf -mode matches -strand DR -uth offset_rank 1 -lth w 5 -lth Wr 0.3 -lth cor 0.7 -lth Ncor 0.4 -return matrix_name,matrix_id,cor,Ncor,width,strand,offset,alignments_1ton -sort Ncor -quick -o W10/regulonW10.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5/peaks_dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5_vs_db_footDB
 Program version       	1.118
 Quick mode 
 Input files
	file2 	$RSAT/_footprintDB/footprintDB.transfac.plants.motif.tf
	file1 	W10/regulonW10.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5/peaks_dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5.tf
 Output files
	alignments_1ton	W10/regulonW10.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5/peaks_dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5_vs_db_footDB_alignments_1ton.tab
	match_table_txt	W10/regulonW10.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5/peaks_dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5_vs_db_footDB.tab
	html_index   	W10/regulonW10.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5/peaks_dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5_vs_db_footDB_index.html
	alignments_1ton_html	W10/regulonW10.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5/peaks_dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5_vs_db_footDB_alignments_1ton.html
	match_table_html	W10/regulonW10.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5/peaks_dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5_vs_db_footDB.html
	prefix       	W10/regulonW10.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5/peaks_dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5_vs_db_footDB
	file1	1 matrices	W10/regulonW10.rm.fna.peaks-rm/results/discovered_motifs/dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5/peaks_dyads_test_vs_ctrl_m5.tf
		file1	1	30	26
	file2	2892 matrices	$RSAT/_footprintDB/footprintDB.transfac.plants.motif.tf
		file2		1		16		5
		file2		2		8		5
		file2		3		8		3
		file2		4		8		5
		file2		5		8		1
		file2		6		8		2
		file2		7		8		2
		file2		8		8		6
		file2		9		8		2
		file2		10		8		8
		file2		11		8		1
		...	2882 more matrices
 Column content
	1	id1          	Identifier of the first matrix
	2	id2          	Identifier of the second matrix
	3	name1        	Name of the first matrix
	4	name2        	Name of the second matrix
	5	cor          	Pearson coefficient of correlation between frequency matrices
	6	Ncor         	Normalized correlation. Ncor = cor * Wr
	7	w1           	Width of the first matrix
	8	w2           	Width of the second matrix
	9	w            	Alignment length (number of overlapping columns between matrix 1 and matrix 2, as a function of the offset)
	10	W            	Total alignment length (overlapping + non-overlapping columns). W = w1 + w2 - w
	11	Wr           	Relative alignment length (overlap divided by the total alignemnt length). Wr = w/W
	12	wr1          	Alignment length relative to the width of the first matrix. wr1 = w/w1
	13	wr2          	Alignment length relative to the width of the second matrix. wr2 = w/w2
	14	strand       	"strand", i.e. orientation of matrix 2 relative to matrix 1 (D=direct;  R=reverse)
	15	offset       	shift of the second matrix relative to the first matrix (negative:left; positive: right)
id1	id2	name1	name2	cor	Ncor	w1	w2	w	W	Wr	wr1	wr2	strand	offset
 Host name	baobab.eead.csic.es
 Job started	2021-02-18.131537
 Job done	2021-02-18.131542
 Seconds	3.62
	user	3.62
	system	0.09
	cuser	0.85
;	csystem	0.05